There's a famous exchange in the 1993 mega blockbuster hit "Groundhog Day" in which Phil the weatherman asks Ralph, the camera guy, " You wanna throw up here, or you wanna throw up in the car?" Ralph responds by uttering : "I think... both."
If it isn't obvious enough by the cheap historical reference, that's how I, and millions of other Arsenal fans feel about the proposed, and apparently imminent, sale of Kolo Toure [current Arsenal Vice Caption] to Manchester City. If it's not for the genius of selling two of our best/better players to a potential top 4 rival, it's the sheer brilliance of bringing in only one player [thus far], or maybe the stubbornness to not match Fiorentina's asking price for a position that has been left unfilled for more than 4 years. And if that doesn't rock an Arsenal fan's boat, it's the cockiness to say [after selling one of your best center forwards], "We are in no rush to find a replacement".
Nah, nevermind the fact that Manchester United replaced Ronaldo and Tevez, nevermind the fact that Liverpoool have added a quality right back and [thus far] held onto their best players... ignore the fact that Chelsea were able to withstand City's flirtations with John Terry.... throw all that out the window, because we have Mikael Silvestre, Phillipe Senderos... and last but not least... Niklas Bendtner remaining at the club! Phew, I feel miles better now... =)
Beyond the extreme sarcasm lies a cataclysm that every Gooner worldwide is bearing witness to. Arsenal are slowly but surely withering away from the dizzy heights of English football's top tier. Last season's start was a disaster, a complete and utter disaster. A long unbeaten run against the lesser sides followed - but against England's heavyweights Arsenal fell miles short. This summer is taking an alarming parrarel pattern to that of last summer. Little quality in, high quality/experience out. The result was embarrassments at home to Hull and away at Stoke, and a super-human self capitulation against Tottenham; who at the time, were bottom of the league.
Wenger will argue that the money was too good to turn down, and Arsenal cannot possibly compete with Manchester City's finances. The latter is probably true, but it hurts to witness Chelsea's determination to hang onto their best central defender. Likewise Sir Alex Ferguson's swift moves to replace Ronaldo and Tevez. Some may argue that the sale of Adebayor is a blessing in disguise... ---> only if you replace the player. If Arsenal don't find a replacement by 12:01am September 1st 2009 then then selling the Togolese forward will have been a disaster. Eduardo's fitness cannot be trusted, Bendtner has a love, but mostly hate relationship with the fans, and Van Persie a) needs physical support, and b) is extremely injury prone. Less strikers means less rotation, which equals more time on the sidelines for Robin.
It's been said many a time. The outlook for this season appears bleak. @ best. And for those who think Arsenal will be signing world class replacements... forget it. The reason both players were sold is because the club is anxious to pay off the stadium debt with internal, not external funds. I thought billionaires at football clubs were good for one thing and one thing alone. At Arsenal we have two, and Arsenal FC has a different idea about external investment. Any potential replacements are most probably going to be young, inexperienced, and cheap. Want some tangible proof? Vieira... not replaced. Henry... not replaced. Campbell... not replaced. Toure/Adebayor... you get my drift.
At least in that movie Phil the Weatherman has a happy ending. I highly doubt the same fate awaits Arsenal. Groundhog day continues away to Everton on August 15th. Arsenal FC, enduring the season from hell... over and over again!
You should'nt swear, you dont need to as the storyline is brilliant